About Clinical Research
About Clinical Research

A clinical research study or clinical trial is generally considered to be a health-related medical study in people that follows a pre-defined written protocol.

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Why Participate?

The information learned from this study may help physicians and scientists discover new treatment options for people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the future. Participants may or may not receive any benefit from being in this study. It is possible that participants may get better, stay the same, or get worse.

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Voluntary Participation and Informed Consent

Participation in a research study is completely voluntary. In all research studies, qualified potential participants are first informed about the research study in detail. After receiving this information, all participants must give their consent in writing to proceed. Some research studies involve more tests and doctor visits than the participant would normally have for an illness or condition.

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Privacy and Confidentiality

If you choose to provide your contact information, we will contact you only to see if you may qualify to participate in this research study. We will not use your information for anything else. You will be given a choice to submit your contact information to a study center in your area that is conducting this research study to have any questions answered and to see if you are qualified to participate in the study. If you make the choice to submit your contact information, your contact information will only be shared with those involved with the research study and will not be shared or provided to any other person or business not related to this research study.

Except as noted above, your name and contact information will not be collected. We will not use your information for any purpose other than to screen you for potential participation in this research study. To review our entire Privacy Policy, please go here: http://tprausa.com/privacy/