About this study
About This Study

This research study is for people diagnosed with either PPMS or non-active SPMS who have taken a prescribed injected medication to be taken once every 6 months. If you are unsure if the medication you are taking meets this requirement, please submit your contact information and we will be happy to discuss this with you.

In this research study, we are evaluating an investigational drug for the treatment of PPMS and non-active SPMS. "Investigational" means that it has not been approved for use and that its safety and effectiveness are still being studied. Before new medications can be approved for public use, they must be tested in research studies like this one.

This study is evaluating an investigational drug to be administered intravenously in individuals with PPMS or non-active SPMS. The effects of the investigational drug will be evaluated through MRI scan assessments, symptom assessments, cerebrospinal fluid collections, lymph node biopsies, and tests from blood samples.

After potential participants have learned about the study and signed an Informed Consent Form confirming this and their willingness to join the study, they will be screened to see if they meet the qualifications to participate.

All those who qualify and are able and willing to participate will receive the investigational treatment as there is no placebo group in this study. Participants will have three infusions of the investigational treatment along with their current MS treatment(s) and will be monitored afterwards for up to two years to see if and how their symptoms respond.

What to Expect
What to Expect

    • The study center staff will talk with people who are interested in participating in this research study.
    • If the study staff feels an interested person may qualify to participate, the study staff will give a detailed explanation of this study and its potential risks and benefits.
    • If the person continues to be interested in the study, the study doctor and staff will review the person's medical history and conduct several tests to determine whether the potential participant will satisfy all study entry requirements.

    Participation Costs

    There is no cost to participate, receive the investigational drug, visit the study center, or undergo study-related procedures, tests, and exams. Participants who meet study requirements may be compensated for travel support, if you travel a long distance.

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